
Kickoff of the pilot participatory research projects

Online event, Friday 4th February 2022, starting at 10:00.
Climbing for climate

Climbing for Climate

Glacier Adamello.
VI Convegno Nazionale Centro Studi Idraulica Urbana

VI CONVEGNO NAZIONALE Centro Studi iDraulica Urbana (CSDU)

XIV International Short Course: "Advances in Knowledge of Urban Drainage: Nature-Based Solution for a Sustainable Environment".
Sciopero per il clima

The Climate Strike goes on

Brescia, Piazza Duomo.
Sciopero per il clima

Climate Strike

A Friday for the Future of our Planet.
Acqua e cambiamenti climatici

Sewer Systems – CSDU

Edited by ing. Francesco Defilippis, Board Member of the Corps of Engineers in Cosenza (Calabria, Italy).
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