Legal aspects and regulatory evolution
Management of integrated water services
Cooperation between WatShop and the Po River Water District
Pilot participatory research projects
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A participatory research initiative
Kicking off the science shop of sustainable water in a changing climate

WatShop – The science shop for sustainable water management

WatShop is one of the local outputs of the EU project SciShops, which aims at supporting cooperation among civil society, public and private research centers and enterprises in the field of smart management of water resources in a changing climate.
Send us your idea!
Water, climate, floods, droughts, saving, supply, irrigation, hydrolectric power, recycling.



Kickoff of the pilot participatory research projects

Online event, Friday 4th February 2022, starting at 10:00.
Climbing for climate

Climbing for Climate

Glacier Adamello.
Acqua e cambiamenti climatici

Water and climate change

Informal meeting open to citizens, in cooperation with Fondazione Cogeme and the Municipality of Trenzano.
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